Observers: Kim Kuska and Frank Gibson
Remote Name:
Date: 03/18/2005
Time: 10:24 PM -0500
Midafternoon on Sunday March 13,2005, we saw a female Barrow's Goldeneye near the middle of the Reservoir. This female clearly had a stubby bill that looked nearly all yellow. The steeper forehead and unique forward leaning head shape was also seen. It was compared with 3 male Common Goldeneyes and one female Common Golden Goldeneye that was in the general vicinity, but the female Barrow's was not swimming with them. All the Goldeneyes seemed to be doing their own thing. The female Barrow's was busy diving or with its bill tucked for a long period of time , so only Frank and I got great looks at the bird through our Leica 20 x 60 zoom spotting scope. The female Common Goldeneye in the area had a much longer bill with only the tip yellow. I watched the Barrow's female for about 15 minutes. Also, the 5 Tundra Swans were still at the Reservoir along with one Adult Bald Eagle, a Greater Yellowlegs, and several American White Pelicans.