Observers: Chris Howard
Remote Name:
Date: 04/13/2005
Time: 11:30 AM -0400
Yesterday (12 Apr) at lunchtime there was Dusky Flycatcher in the trees between Hanby St. and the Bishop Cr Canal, east of the park. (Jerry refers to this area as Old Bishop Creek.) This is the first Dusky I've heard of around here this year. It tail-flicked upward (not a Gray). Dark lower mandible (not a 'Western' or Willow). Longish bill, short primary projection, long-looking tail (not a Hammond's). The bird did not call. Specifically, it was viewed from the canal road in the densest wild rose/willow/cottonwood thickets where there is still some ponded water. Also, the Eurasian Wigeon was at City Park pond with Americans. Spring's sprung!