Observers: Chris McCreedy
Remote Name:
Date: 06/22/2005
Time: 06:14 PM -0400
The meadow beneath the Narrows was happening again. An Ovenbird sang loudly for 90 minutes, loud two-note song, like a MacGillivray's Warbler in tone (it didn't sound like "teacher" exactly, to me, but what can I say?). A face vaguely thrush-like because of the color and large-looking eye, but warbler-sized, white undertail covs, clear flecks across chest and going down flanks, white belly. 100 meters away a Rose-breasted Grosbeak sang all morning. I was surprised that he was not challenged by a Black-headed Grosbeak who owns this meadow. The BHGR just counter-sang occasionally. A Costa's Hummingbird male still zings throughout the meadow, he may be the same hummingbird present on June 10. And I sighted a second-year Willow Flycatcher male singing all morning. This was a really interesting find, for I just saw him about 2 km downstream yesterday (though silent). He is a late-arriving 2004 cohort bird that appears to be prospecting lower Rush.