Observers: Chris McCreedy
Remote Name:
Date: 09/05/2005
Time: 10:50 PM -0400
On McGee Creek, I found a juvenile Sapsucker harvesting at its recent holes. It looked more like a Red-naped than a Red-breasted. I am not positive, but I have heard several times that Red-breasted carve circular holes, while Red-naped carve rectangles and squares. I do know that on the coast, we once observed a vagrant Red-naped changing all the cirles into squares on a popular sapsucker tree in Bolinas. I found several Orange-crowned Warblers, insects (photos), and an unidentified hummingbird that was chased away by yellowjackets before I could get a good look at it . From the photo, this looks like a hatch-year Vermivora celata ssp. orestera. It was often chased away by adult OCWA, probably orestera as well.