death valley birds

Observers: Kristie Nelson
Remote Name:
Date: 10/06/2005
Time: 06:53 PM -0400


Hi all, I birded Death Valley on Monday Oct 2. Not a whole lot of passerines around, but great Ardeids. There were about 25 Snowy Egrets, 1 Great-Blue, at least 5 Great Egreats and a night-heron flying around looking for somewhere to settle. About 20 Avocets in the pond, and half the flock was later at the airport sewage ponds. The usual coots, Cinn. teal, etc, and a strange looking Gr. White-fronted Goose that looked like it may have had some Snow Goose genes in it. It basically looked like a Gr. White-front, but had a rather pale face, and a fairly distinct "grinning patch" on the cutting edge of the bill, about the same size/pattern of a snow goose. 3 Wood ducks at the airport ponds. Lots of Audubon's warblers, quite a few Orange-crowned, a MacGillivrays. Scotties Castle and Deep springs were quiet.