Bishop CBC Results

Observers: 45 Intrepid Birders
Remote Name:
Date: 12/18/2005
Time: 04:11 PM -0500

The 24th annual Bishop Christmas Bird Count was held on December 17, 2005. Forty-five intrepid birders bundled up, braving a low of 14F and a high of only 45F. Several groups reported birds were scarce, but we still managed to collectively find 102 species, the third highest in Bishop CBC history.  Highlights were an immature male Anna's Hummingbird at Wilkerson, an adult male Yellow-bellied Sapsucker at the golf course, presumed to be a returning individual found in the same tree on last year's count.  Three Barn Swallows at Nik and Nik (Desert Aggregate) mark only the second occurrence on the count.  A Western Bluebird was found in Round Valley.  An exceptionally late migrant Yellow Warbler was at the golf course.  A Chipping Sparrow was found near the Bishop Sewer Ponds.  New high counts for the Bishop CBC were Common Merganser (40), California Quail (530), Bald Eagle (up to 4), Sharp-shinned Hawk (12), Red-shouldered Hawk (20), Virginia Rail (5), American Coot (511), Eurasian Collared-Dove (67), Red-naped Sapsucker (4), Nuttall's Woodpecker (34), Say's Phoebe (20), Clark's Nutcracker (47), American Robin (428), Orange-crowned Warbler (22), White-crowned Sparrow (1323), House Finch (369), and American Goldfinch (463). Thanks to all the participants for their hard work and to Steve Shibley of the Bishop Country Club for gracious use of the carts and access to the fairways.  And, very importantly, thanks again to James and Kay for hosting the potluck tally meeting.

Barn Swallows at Nik and Nik © Mike Prather
Adult male Yellow-bellied Sapsucker © Chris Howard
Sharp-shinned Hawk (adult) on female Brewer's Blackbird © Chris Howard